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Dad's 1 Gallon Cookie Jar

 and Lid with 1929 Label


aw item number:  2007.133
manufacturer:  Dad's Cookie Company, St. Louis, Missouri
model:  1
patent date:  1929

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size:  7.25"Dia.x10."H

color:  Clear & four color litho composition:  Glass & paper
acquisition date:  11/6/2007

status:  Collection

description:  1 gallon clear glass jar and lid. A full color 9.75"L x 3.5"H paper label states: Dad's Original Scotch Oatmeal Cookies "Known from Coast to Coast". The fine print states: Copyright 1929 by Dad's Cookie Co. Made in the United States. 

information:  Dad's Cookie Company can still provide refills for this jar from their original St. Louis location at 3854 Louisiana Avenue or www.dadscookies.com


