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1936 Dodge Westchester Suburban


aw item number:  2007.033
manufacturer:  Dodge, Detroit, Michigan
model:  Westchester Suburban
serial number:  4228063

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size:  16' 8"L x 5' 10"H x 5' 11"W

color:  Forest green paint, white canvas top, and stained wood sides year:  1936
acquisition date:  5/10/2007

status:  Collection

description:  This Dodge Suburban often referred to as a "Woody," with its wood sides and roof.  Covering the wooden roof is a canvas top.  The rest of the car is constructed of solid sheet metal.  Storm curtains cover the back windows in the case of inclement weather, while glass roll up windows are featured on the front passenger and drivers doors.  A six- cylinder engine powers the car.

information:  An original Dodge poster describes this, and many other of their trucks mounted on the half-ton Plymouth and Dodge pickup chassis, as, "Seating capacity for as many as eight passengers or generous  space for light hauling is provided in this distinctive Dodge Suburban."

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