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Black Three Slot Payphone


aw item number:  2007.004
manufacturer:  Automatic Electric, Northlake, IL
model:  D-780707-A
serial number:  96E 10

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size:  9.5"L x 18"H x 5.5"D

color:  Black & white era:  1950's
acquisition date:  3/14/2007

status:  Collection

description:  A three coin slot, rotary dial payphone.  A triple coin insertion slot atop the machine, with a rotary dial below.  Beneath this is a window viewer allowing directions to be displayed.  Located next to the rotary dial and window view is the phone ear and mouth piece receiver.  Below everything is the coin return and coin holder.

information:  This 1950's era payphone had the instructions to, "Do Not Deposit Coin Until Party Answers.  1. Listen for dial tone 2.Dial number desired 3. Quickly deposit dime or two nickels when party answers."  For long distance calls the user should dial the operator at 0.

