Hamilton Beach Malted Milk Dispenser

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aw item number:  2006.036
manufacturer:  Hamilton Beach Co., a division of Scovill Mfg. Co., Racine, WI
model:  20, Arnold
serial number:  20D 462426 B

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size:  10"L x 24"H x 12"W

color:  Mint Green, Chrome, Red and Dark Green weight:  15 lbs.
acquisition date:  11/10/2006

status:  Collection

description:  A Hamilton Beach dispenser, dispensing Carnation malted milk. Y-shaped cast iron covered with porcelain base, chrome dispenser, and a glass jar above.

information:  This soda fountain accessory made it easy for the soda jerk to dispense the proper amount of malt into each desert he made.  A lever on the side of the unit would turn a wheel inside pushing just the right amount of malt out of the bottom of the dispenser.  The y-shaped base of the unit allowed for the metal malt mixing cup to fit in with ease. 

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