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Oil Painting of Falstaff with Glass of Beer

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  aw item number:  2006.029
  model:  Sir John Falstaff
  weight:  8.75 lbs.

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  color:  White, blue, tan, green, yellow & others
size:  31.25"L x 24.5"H x .75"W   composition:  Oil paints, canvas and wood frame
acquisition date:  2/24/2006   status:  Collection

description:  Oil painting of Sir Falstaff sitting in a lounge chair, reading, while drinking a pint of Falstaff Lager, with pretzels nearby.

information:  The artist of this painting is unknown, however it is an original painting.  All of the fine details can be seen up close, including raised oil paint and strokes of the brush.

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