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King Amusement Airplane Ride

 Center Pole Light



  aw item number:  2008.157
  manufacturer:   King Amusement Co., Mt Clemens, Michigan
  model:  unknown

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  color:  Yellow & red

size:  12"L x 55.5"H x 12"W           with 18" base

  composition:  Metal, aluminum & ceramic
acquisition date:  11/14/2008


status:  Collection

description:  King Amusement airplane ride decorative center pole animated light fixture. Four light bulbs are mounted on each side of a hexagon sheet metal box with an internal Signatrol flasher all concealed by cast aluminum covers.

information:  Originally installed on the center pole high above an airplane ride this internally mounted flasher created the illusion of light bulbs chasing in an upward motion as assembly would rotate around in a circular motion.

more information:  Click here to see the shield that goes with this carousel.

