
Roover's Metal Stamping Machine


aw item number:  2005.038
manufacturer:  Roover's M.F.G. Co., New York City
model:  Tapewriter
serial number:  n/a

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size:  13"L x 58"H x 22"W

color:  Dark Wood, Brass, Chrome, Black composition:  Wood, metal, glass
acquisition date:  n/a

status:  Collection

description:  Roovers metal tape embossing machine; oak cabinet, decorative metal legs and top marquee sign. Insert one penny, dial the character selection wheel and characters are embossed one at a time by pulling the handle down.

information:  This stamper was first introduced in 1901, by the Roovers Company.  They have patents for this machine on November 19, 1901, November 22, 1904 and January 31, 1905.  Be sure to view the picture page to see the style of metal strip this machine would print on.


