
Spielberg Furniture Neon Sign - 2 Pieces


aw item number:  2005.036
size:  120"L x 35"H x 8.25"W

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sign color:  Red & white
composition:  Sheet metal & glass tubing neon color:  Red
acquisition date:  10/25/2005 status:  Collection

description:  Two signs make up the Spielberg Furniture Store Sign. One is SPIELBERG and the second is FURNITURE. Red painted sheet metal with white painted letters and neon letters complete this large sign. The signs taper from 35" - 27" high.

information:  The Spielberg Furniture Store was an institution on the Hill in Saint Louis, Missouri, located at 2008 Marconi. Antique Warehouse acquired these signs a few years after Nina Ganci purchased the store for her Skif clothing company in 2002.

