
"Zut Alors"by Wm. “Bill” Christman


aw item number:  2005.031
artist:  Wm. "Bill" Christman
number:  One of a Kind
made:  n/a

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size:  15" L x 75.75" H x 15" W
color:  Grey, Red, Green, Black and Multi-Color composition:  Metal, glass, wood and linoleum
acquisition date:  9/10/2004

status:  Collection

description:  Water tower-like liquid nougat dispenser with a blinking red light on top. Text on the tower reads "ZUT ALORS," which is French for “darn it.” 

information:  Nougat, is a recurring theme in Christman’s art, signifying everything delightful in life, up to and including God’s divine grace. A paint covered piece of linoleum from Bill's work bench adorns the lower front portion of this contraption.

