
Glascock Junior 36 Bottle Coca-Cola Ice Cooler


aw item number:  2005.029
manufacturer:  Glascock Bro's. MFG. Co., Muncie, IN
model number:  Junior
color:  Green & Red

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size:  17.5"L x 31.5"H x 19"D
vending capacity:  36 bottles original price:  $6.95
acquisition date:  8/1/2005

status:  Collection

description:  Metal frame with Coca-Cola advertising panels, galvanized liner and casters on the feet.  This Glascock is painted a much lighter shade of green than is usually found on Glascock's. 

information:  This unit could hold 36 sodas and had room for two cases of soda underneath it's feet.  This stand alone unit had the same capacity as the Glascock counter top model.  This unit also features panel inserts which could be easily replaced if damaged.