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Kupferle No. 2 Yard Hydrant


aw item number:  2005.021
manufacturer:  Kupferle Foundry, Saint Louis, Missouri
model number:  Eclipse No. 2
size:  5.25"L x 22.5"H x 8.75"D

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weight w/base:  59 lbs.
weight w/o base:  24 lbs
color:  Black & red composition:  Cast iron
acquisition date: 8/5/2005

status:  Collection

description:  Eclipse No. 2 yard hydrant with one 1 1/2" hose nozzle, four (4) bolt bonnet, cap retainer chain and casted logo "Eclipse #2 Hydrant" on the  smooth barrel.

information:  The earliest models had a fluted barrel.  The display base plate is 3/4" steel for added weight and stability.  For additional information on this or any other fire hydrant, please visit: www.firehydrant.org/pictures/kf01.html.


