
Eskimo Pie Ice Cream Igloo Store Display


aw item number:  2004.148
manufacturer of display:  Gregg Manufacturing
manufacturer of pies:  H. C. Schrink & Son, Ludington, Michigan
licensed by:  Eskimo Pie Corporation, Louisville, KY

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color: White, Blue, Brown, Silver, Flesh, Yellow, and Red

acquisition date:  12/31/2004

status:  Collection

description:  A store front display with an Eskimo standing in front of his igloo, waving to those walking by, inviting them to have an Eskimo Pie.  Our Display also includes two signs, and five original Eskimo Pie boxes.

information:  The original boxes held 12 Eskimo Pies, and the boxes were only 6.5"L x 2.5"H x 3.75"W. If 12 Eskimo Pies fit in one little box, the Eskimo Pies of the past were a lot smaller than they are today.

