
Seeing is Believing: America's Sideshows


aw item number:  2004.131
author:  A. W. Stencell
ISBN:   I-550022-529-4
number of pages:  260

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publisher:  ECW Press
date manufactured:  2002 size:  10"L x 8"H x .75"W
status:  Library  edition:  Paperback

description:   From striptease midgets, human pin cushions, and monkeys in miniature race cars to trained fleas and people with double bodies, three legs, and enormous feet, this chronicle of twisted midway attractions and the showmen who have presented them covers it all. The history of the circus side show and its companion, the carnival, is celebrated in words and rare, eye-popping images, making this a must for all collectors and enthusiasts. Interviews with many of the big players on the carnival circuit are included.

