

 American Roadside Artifacts


aw item number:  2004.125
author:  Jeff Brouws  
publisher:  Chronical Books LLC
ISBN:  0-8118-3677-0

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number of pages:  
date manufactured:  2003 size:  9.25"L x 6"H x 1.125"W
status:  Library  edition:  Hardback

description:  Jeff Brouws has crisscrossed the country for two decades, documenting an America that is at once quintessential and peculiar. Readymades is a quirky, multi-layered catalog of this ascendant photographer’s work: partially painted pickup trucks, bowling alley signs, vibrant-hued houses that defy the monotony of the suburbs, abandoned drive-in movie theaters. Brouws treats his subjects as readymade art found in the landscape, brought together to create an idiosyncratic roadside panorama. Provocative essays by leading writers and cultural commentators such as Luc Sante, DJ Waldie, M. Mark, Diana Gaston, Bruce Caron, and Phil Patton are juxtaposed with these images of all that is unique in the uniform, and striking in the mundane.

