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Pepsi VMC-88 Soda Bottle Machine

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aw item number:  2004.101
manufacture:  Vendolator Mfg. Co., Fresno, CA
serial number:  5163B13
model number:  VMC-88

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size:  27"L x 58.75"H x 24"D
color:  Blue, white, red & chrome patent date:  9/9/1952
acquisition date:  10/2/2004 status:  Collection

description:  This 1952 Vendolator 88 vends 88 6 1/2 oz. to 12oz. Bottles. It has manual operation with its large chrome "crank handle." It is embossed with "Drink Pepsi Cola" at the top. 

information:  This 88 Pepsi machine is more common than the 88 Coca-Cola machine.

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