
Schoenhut's Pevely Milk Wagon with Horse & Driver


aw item number:  2004.086
manufacturer:  Schoenhut Company, Philadelphia, Pa
model number:  351
date manufactured:  1929- 1932

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size:  23" L x 11.75"H x 9.5"W
color:  White, red & black composition:  Wood, cloth & leather
acquisition date:  6/16/2004

status:  Collection

description:  Pevely miniature milk wagon; nicely painted and detailed to match the dairy's wagons. A fine covered horse with leather harness. Additional accessories include; a jointed wooden bodied driver and a wooden milk case containing 12 bottles.

information:  Pevely Dairy Co. of St. Louis Missouri commissioned Schoenhut Toy Co. to build an accurate miniature version of their milk delivery wagons. These wagons were only produced from 1929 - 1932. Used as point of purchase display. Only a few survive today.

accessories:  Driver & milk crate with 12 bottles.

Click Here to read an article about Schoenhut Wagons, by Keith Kaonis.