
Daisy Model 104 Double Barrel BB Gun (Wood Stock)


aw item number:  2004.080
manufacturer:  Daisy Manufacturing Company

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model number:  104
patent numbers:  1899702, 1589975 patent date:  1933, 1926
date manufactured:  1937-39 size:  38"L x 4.5"H x 2"W
color:  Blue steel & dark wood weight:  5 lbs.
acquisition date:  6/21/2004

status:  Collection

description:  Daisy model 104 double barrel repeater BB gun. Side by side barrels, wood stock and forearm. Scroll work with dogs and birds. Hang tag features: $5.00 list price, catalog, instruction book, parts and accessories order form.

information:  A second production of the famed double barrel was also short lived (1968- 1970) due to its expensive price tag. The model 21 was very similar in design with a few manufacturing process differences.

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