
 Falstaff Beer 3 Piece Neon Marquee Sign


aw item number:  2004.079
manufacturer:  Mt. Vernon Neon, Mount Vernon, Illinois
composition: Sheet metal & porcelain

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sizes:  58.5"L x 44.5"H x 7.25"W (front)87"L x 36"H x 7.25"W (side)
sign color green, white, yellow, orange & red neon color Red
acquisition date:  3/31/2004 status:  Collection

description:  A large three (3) piece Falstaff Beer porcelain enameled neon sign. Two (2), 87" side signs connect to the single front sign, 58.5", forming a marquee. All exposed edges have porcelain corners and the top side edges have a deco element.

information:  The front sign has the Falstaff shield and the sides have Premium Quality Falstaff Beer.

