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Koken Companies Catalog No. 42


aw item number:  2004.071
manufacturer:  Koken Companies, St. Louis, Missouri
model number:  42
color:  Tan & Brown w/ blue price sheet

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weight:  6.6 oz.

size:  8.5"L x 11"H x .125"W

printed:  Aug. 15, 1941 accessories:  Price list
acquisition date:  5/6/2004

status:  Collection

description:  Koken "The Hall-Mark Of Quality" 48 page barber furniture catalog number 42 featuring chairs, mirror case back bars, sinks, cabinets, shoeshine stands, poles, coat racks, chairs and related items with corresponding price list.

information:  Tan cover with brown imprint and black & white print with spot color, price sheet on light blue paper with black print "effective August 15, 1941".
