
Collector's Guide American Transport. Toys Book


aw item number:  2004.025
author:  Joe & Sharon Freed
ISBN:  0-9646847-0-5
LCCN:  95-090300

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publisher:  Freedom Publishing Co.  Raleigh, North Carolina
date printed:  1995 size:  8.5"L x 11"H x .75"W
status:  Library  original price:  $34.95

description:  Collectors Guide to American Transportation Toys 1895 - 1941. An Informative book regarding toy information, grading methods, scarcity and price guide. Text and images are black & white with a small color section, blue soft cover, 424 pages.

information:  Virtually a listing of all major toy vehicle manufactures with company historical data, vintage advertisements and pictures many of the real automobiles and commercial trucks they endeavored to duplicated as toys.


