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Westinghouse Junior Coca-Cola Ice Cooler

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aw item number:  2003.050
manufacturer:  Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, Springfield, Massachusetts
serial number:  01551077K
model number:  Junior

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size:  28"L x 35.5"H x 17.75"W
color:  Red and White weight:  77 lbs.
acquisition date:  6/29/1998

status:  Collection

description:  The Junior serves 51 bottles of ice cold product. A side mounted bottle opener and cap catcher along with a lower compartment for a wooden case to hold empties made this a popular cooler among merchants. This cooler was originally an electric model.  This un-restored model in original condition is rated as 6 out of 10.

information:  The junior came in two (2) models: ice or electric versions. The ice model held 40 pounds of cracked ice. The electric models have a stainless steel liner and were available through Vendo with a coin-operated top if desired.  Originally this cooler cost $13.00.  The Antique Warehouse currently has two of this model, this cooler is un-restored, and the other is restored. 

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