
Bartholomew Nickel Mint Peanut and Popcorn Wagon


aw item number:  2003.015
manufacturer:  The Bartholomew Company, Des Moines, Iowa
model:  The Nickle Mint
serial number:  91

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original price:  $104.50
size:  44"L x 59"H x 32"W status:  Collection

information:  Bartholomew named this unit "The Nickel Mint" because it makes nickels for you as fast as if you had them minted. Two dollars of peanuts sell for $18 to $20 dollars and five dollars worth of corn brings almost $40.00.  Approximant weight 300 lbs.

description:  An automatic peanut roaster and corn popper push wagon. A glass case with sliding doors mounted on 20" wire wheels. Separate cylinders for preparing confections: the upper one for 1 quart of popping corn and the lower one for roasting 14 qts. of peanuts.

