
Little Whirlwind Counter Top Coin-Op Game


aw item number:  2003.001
manufacturer:  Peo Manufacturing Company, Rochester, New York
size:  9"L x 16.5"H x 7.25"W
date manufactured:  August, 1930

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status:  Collection

description:  The Little Whirlwind countertop coin operated game was revolutionary for its time in 1930.  A penny operated game of skill by shooting 5 metal balls through a spiral while trying to score a perfect 250 points.

information:  "Howard Peo of Rochester, New York made his second counter game and protected it with patents.  The newly formed Peo Manufacturing Company was a significant manufacturer of the product and later many would copy the same game."

Bueschel, Richard M.  Vintage Trade Stimulators & Counter Games, 1997.

