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Anheuser Busch Red Celluloid

 Pocket Knife-Stanhope


aw item number:  2002.257
manufacturer:  Anheuser Busch, Germany

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size:  3.25"L x 1"H x .3125"W

 composition:  Steel & celluloid

status:  Collection

description:  Anheuser Busch red celluloid handle pocket knife with Adolphus Busch Stanhope viewer. 2" master blade, 1 1/2" secondary blade, cork screw and combination bottle opener - wire breaker.  Leather pouch accessory.

information:  Adolphus Busch would hand out this pocket knife with an internal image of himself to friends and business associates as his calling card. A Stanhope viewer is a micro photograph and when held to light the image is clearly visible.

