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The Computing Scale Co; Dayton Money Weight, 30 lb. Barrel Scale with Light


aw item number:  2002.144
manufacturer:  The Computing Scale Co., Dayton, Ohio
model number:  146 Dayton Money Weight
serial number:  394075

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size:  19.25"L x 31.5"H x 20"W

color:  Maroon, brass & gold status:  Collection

description:  A thirty pound horizontal barrel type computing scale.  A brass fence is attached on back of the removable glass platform.  Heavy cast iron base and counter weight.  Many decorative adornments have been added to this scale for beautification.  Glass windows on either side of the scale allows the customer to view all of the internal operating parts. When an object is placed on the scale the top sign is illuminated.  This scale can compute prices from 4 to 60 cents at all weight graduations.  

information:  The trade name "Money-Weight" was derived from the computations that are printed on the internally illuminated rotating paper cylinder. Example: If the price is 10 cents per pound (the Money) and the product weighs 4 pounds the both customer and clerk could clearly see the amount due is 40 cents thus the name "Money-Weight".

