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Daisy Model Double Barrel BB Gun

 (Plastic Stock)

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aw item number:  2002.092
manufacturer:  Daisy Manufacturing Company, Rodgers, Arkansas
model number:  21
patent numbers:  2758586, D9823

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patent date:  August 14, 1956
period:  Circa 1968 size:  37" L x 4.5" H x 2.25" W
color:  Steel and Plastic weight:  5 lbs.
acquisition date:  7/8/2002

status:  Collection

description:  Daisy Double Barrel BB Gun, 96 shot, plastic stock & forearm, gold scroll work and painted gun metal. An original 1" diameter gold decal on the barrel advises shooters to only use daisy bb's and oil gun frequently for top performance.

information:  Daisy's first double barrel was model 104: wood stock and blued gun metal, (1937-1940) it sold for $5.00, an enormous amount of money for the time. Model 21 had a very limited production life as well (1968- 1970).

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