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Toledo Scale Co. Fan Scale with Light

Toledo Scale Co. 5 lb. Scale 


aw item number:  2002.091
manufacturer:   Toledo Scale Company, Toledo, OH
model number:  718 AP
serial number:  413938

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size:  20.5"L x 27"H x 12"W

color:  White w/ Brown

status:  Collection

description:  Large upright fan type computing scale with counter weight.  The unit lights up when product is placed in the removable nickel plated scooping tray.  A window displays the no spring mechanism and lettering touts its accuracy and honest weight.

information:  Toledo five pound scale with one and two cent pricing graduations.  Able to calculate items from 10 cents to $1.  First patented on July 22, 1919.  Accessories include a five pound capacity original tray.

