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Ideal 55 Coca-Cola Soda Bottle Machine "Slider"

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aw item number:  2001.146
manufacturer:  Ideal Dispenser Co., Bloomington, IL
model number:  A-55
serial number:  26-40875

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size:  37"L x 21"W x 42"H

vending capacity: 50 bottles pre-cooling capacity: 80 bottles
color:  Red, chrome, white & black weight:  204 lbs.
acquisition date:  2004

status:  Collection

description:  "Sliders" refer to the type of dispensing rack. A patron would lift the lid to see the bottle tops, after selecting the flavor and inserting a coin, the bottle could be slid out through a controlled gate. An access door is on the right side for restocking.

information:  Vends a wide variety of flavors and bottle sizes this versatile machine was manufactured from the late 1940's through the late 1950's with embossed logos or flat non-embossed surfaces. This machine's sheet metal is not embossed and all logos are painted on the surface.

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