
National Cash Register 521-E Electric Register


aw item number:  2001.122
manufacturer:  National Cash Register Company;  Dayton, Ohio
model number:  521-E
serial number:  881008

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size:  18"L x 28"H x 33"W

status:  Collection

date manufactured:  1912  

description:  Large, polished brass cash register model 521-E with wood base and cash drawer.  40 keys, denominations 1 cent thru $60.00.  With original top sign.

information:  National's 500 series offered the most features of any of their brass case models.  The number 521-E can be broken down, the first number is the class, the second number tells the number of clerks or number of extra counters in addition to the main counter, and the third number indicates the kind.

Crandall & Robins. The Incorruptible Cashier, 1990.

