
Cavalier CSS-64 Fitz's Soda Bottle Machine


aw item number:  2000.098
manufacturer:  Cavalier Corp.,  Chattanooga, TN
model number:  CSS-64
serial number:  321358R

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size:  25.75"L x 22.5"H x 56.5"W

color:  Black w/ Red & White number of selections:  8
acquisition date:  1/1/2000

status:  Collection

description:  This machine was originally a Coca-Cola Machine.  When this machine was restored, the Antique Warehouse Restoration Department converted it to a Fitz's Root Beer Machine, a St. Louis favorite.

information:  This machine is a CSS-64, however, Cavalier also had a special series, the CSS-64 Special.  Both are nearly identical, except for the chrome on the front of the machine.  This machine seems to be a combination of the two.  The ID tag on this unit may have come from another machine, since it is located on the refrigeration unit and not the machine itself.  This machine will vend 64 bottles of 6.5oz. - 12oz.