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Vendo H126B Coca-Cola Bottle Soda Machine

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aw item number:  2000.005
manufacture:  Vendo Company, Kansas City, MO
serial number:  211020129
model number:  H126B

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size:  21.75"L x 80"H x 27.75"W
color:  Red & White weight:  492 lbs.
acquisition date:  9/3/1998 status:  Collection

description:  Using a "Slant Shelf" system this machine was able to vend 14 different selections, with the option of 126- 6 or 10 ounce bottles or 112- 12 ounce bottles.  This machine could also pre-cool 26 bottles. 

information:  One of the features that this model had that others of the same era did not was light up bottle door opening.  This feature lit up the selections available in the machine.  This pre-1963 machine features the "Have A Coke" logo on the side.

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