
1972 Schwinn Catalog


aw item number:  1999.060
manufacture:  Schwinn Bicycle Company, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
serial number:  n/a
model number:  AB 361

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size:  8.5"L x 5.25"H x .125"D
color:  Colored Photographs patent date:  1972 copyright
acquisition date:  11/3/1999

status:  Collection

description:  A complete catalog for customers that were interested in Schwinn bicycles.  Schwinn's entire line of bicycles and accessories from 1972 are included.  A few examples of their inventory include: Deluxe Exerciser, for in home use, Deluxe Twinn, Sting-Ray, and even a unicycle.  The last pages of the catalog feature Schwinn merchandise, like T-shirts and hats, and Schwinn accessories so you can customize your bike, everything from bells and horns, to water bottles and lights.

