
Fun House Williams Pinball Machine


aw item number:  1999.040
manufacturer:  Williams Electronics Games, Inc.  Chicago, IL
model number:  FUN HOUSE 50003
serial number:  572580

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size:  22.5"L x 76"H x 54"W
quantity manufactured:  10,747 date manufactured:  December 1990
acquisition date:  4/29/1999 status:  Collection

description:  Fun House 4 player pinball machine. Features: electronic, multi-ball, ramps, ball trap holes, voice, 3 flippers, playfield mechanical animation, ball save gate & asymmetrical playfield.

information:  115 Volts, 8 amps.  Play field design: Pat Lawlor. Play field art: John Youssi.  This more modern day machine can be programmed to accept different amounts of money per play.

