
Victor C45 Coca-Cola Soda Bottle Cooler


aw item number:  1998.052
manufacturer:  Victor Products Corp., Hagerstown, MD
model number:  C45
serial number:  C-452484

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size:  98.5"L x 40"H x 29"W

color:  Red & White w/ Stainless weight:  770 lbs.
acquisition date:  1/1/1998

status:  Collection

description:  This large cooler produced by the Victor Corporation was the largest of their C-Models.  It has four sliding doors to access the 1,092 soda bottles that could be stored inside.  The baked enamel finish is in red and "Drink Coca-Cola In Bottles" is embossed on each of the four sides and then painted white to stand out.

information:  Nicknamed the "four door" for the four access doors, this large bar style cooler has two bottle openers with catchers on the back side to allow the bar tender/store clerk to open the soda.  This model could also be purchased with a counter top, however our cooler does not have this feature.  This model is similar to the Dixie-Narco CL50-B in the Antique Warehouse collection.