
Kelvinator Royal Crown & Nehi Soda Cooler


aw item number:  1998.049
manufacturer:  Kelvinator Corp., Detroit, MI
model number:  180
serial number:  6209486

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part number:  1068035

  size:  52.25"L x 31.25"H x 26.75"W
color:  Yellow w/ Stainless & Red weight:  265 lbs.
acquisition date:  7/13/1998

status:  Collection

description:  This Royal Crown Cola, NeHi Soda Cooler can hold 180 bottles.  It could be used as "wet" or "dry" cooler.  Embossed on the two long sides of the cooler are " Drink Royal Crown Cola Best by taste-test."  The two short sides of the cooler are embossed with "Drink NEHI Beverages."  The front of the cooler has a opener and catch basin, and the rear is open on the bottom for soda storage.  The top is stainless with two double hinged access doors.

information:  This is the most common RC Cola Cooler that is embossed.  Both Pepsi Cola and Royal Crown Cola used this machine which was produced in the mid to late 50's.  Casters were the only option on this model cooler.