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National Amusement Device Co. Deluxe Trackless Train - Grant's Farm Edition


aw item number:  1998.028
manufacturer:  National Amusement Device Co.  Dayton, Ohio U.S.A.
acquisition date: 5/8/1998

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color:  Green, White & Chrome

description:  National's Century Flyer deluxe trackless train including Locomotive and three (3) cars.

information:  Grant's Farm took delivery of 3 trains (the Budweiser, the Michelob and the Bavarian Specials) when the 281 acre estate and deer park opened to the public in 1954.  The trams were purchased new for $23,000 each.

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locomotive specs

cars specs

size:  16' L x 52" H x 55" W

size:  18' L x 46" H x 60" W

Speed:  2.77 mph @ 1500 rpm in low gear to 13.64 mph @ 2000 rpm in high gear.  Faster when desired. brakes:  Electric brakes on each wheel.
lights:  One standard fixed beam headlight and one oscillating figure eight Mars Streamliner Train Beacon. capacity:  6 seats - 18 adults or 24 children per car.
power unit:  Modified Ford Tractor engine and drive.  Electric starter, generator, internal expansion self energizing brakes. construction:  Spring mounted-4" x 4" reinforced welded angle iron frame w/ 1/8" aluminum floor plate.  Seats upholstered and covered with Koroseal.  Ruggedly constructed for long life of severe public abuse.
accessories:  Sales brochure from 1954 when these  trackless trains were manufactured.  Click here to view this catalog.