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Vendo 39 Coca-Cola Soda Bottle Machine


aw item number:  1998.026
manufacture:  Vendo Company, Kansas City, Missouri
model number:  F39B4T
serial number:  F31255075

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size:  27.25"L x 59"H x 20"D
color:  Red, white & chrome quantity manufactured:  about 80,000 
acquisition date:  5/30/2004

status:  Collection

description:  Embossed on the front door: "Drink Coca-Cola In Bottles," with "Ice Cold" across the bottom. This machine would vend 39, 6 1/2 inch bottles and pre-cool 20 bottles with its 1/8 h.p. sealed refrigeration system.  The coin box could hold 200 nickels, and the crown box could hold 150 crowns (soda bottle tops).

information:  The Vendo 39 is one of the most recognizable machines from the 50's era. Its familiar round corners and small grey door adorned the front of many gas stations and diners.  Production began in 1949 and continued through 55.  Vendo produced around 80,000 of these machines.