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The Spirit of '76 - Old Tin Lizze


aw item number:  1996.019
manufacturer:  Crue-Cut Manufacturing & Dist. Co., Kansas City, Missouri
size:  72"L x 42"H x 34"W
color:  White, red, blue & black

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composition:  Sheet metal, steel, plastic, cast & rubber

shipping weight:  220 lbs. engine:  3 HP, 4 Cycle
acquisition date:  10/28/2007

status:  Collection

description:  A small go-cart style half-scale replica of a 1910 Ford Model T.  A beautiful red, white and blue specialty paint job has been applied to this wonderful "The Spirit of '76" model.

information:  Produced in 1976 to celebrate the heritage of America and their declaration of liberty from the United Kingdom in 1776.  With a 50 inch wheelbase and 30 tread, this miniature vehicle has a 3 horse power four cycle gasoline engine with recoil starter.  An all steel frame holds the 16 x 2.125 inch pneumatic tires.  The car features adjustable speeds, mechanical brakes, gearing allows forward reverse and neutral operation.  A new 5.5 horse power Honda engine with electric start replaced the original Clinton engine. A fiberglass engine cover with an opening deck lid was added to provide protection from the engine.

learn more:  View as Featured Item, April 2008

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