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Steelcraft Mack 1 Ton Pedal Dump Truck


aw item number:  1995.004
manufacturer:  Steelcraft, Murray Manufacturing Company, Cleveland, Ohio
date manufactured:  1935
composition:  Steel & rubber

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size:  45"L x 23"H x 21"W

color:  Red, black & chrome weight:  45 lbs.
acquisition date:  12/2/1995

status:  Collection

description:  Steelcraft Mack 1 ton dump truck. Resembling Mack AC trucks and includes these features: carbon spring suspension, adjustable pedals, dumping mechanism, artillery wheels, hub caps and dump body with tail gate.

information:  This pedal powered dump truck began its life as a 1 ton truck. It was then upgraded to a 2 1/2 ton truck during the restoration. Major additional components included fenders, running boards and front bumper.
