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Vendo 23 Coca-Cola Soda Bottle Machine


aw item number:  2004.018
manufacturer:  The Vendo Company, Kansas City, MO
model number:  A 23 E
serial number:  A567 29639

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size:  24"L x 41.5"H x 21"W

color:  Red with White weight:  156 lbs.
acquisition date:  1/1/1995

status:  Collection

description:  The Vendo 23 model was manufactured from 1949 through 1959.  It could vend 23 sodas and pre-cool 7.  The Antique Warehouse has a standard model, a deluxe model was also available.  The deluxe model had an embossed Coca-Cola logo on the front with a silver top.  However, the logo on this machine is painted on and it has a red top.  The Vendo logo on the bottom right corner of the machine is embossed.

information:  This relatively small, light weight soda machine was referred to as a "spin top" model.  This is because the top of the machine had a circular section that would spin to the next available selection.  A hole was cut out allowing your soda to be pulled out of the machine.