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1933 Chevrolet Fire Truck with Boyer Body


aw item number:  1987.001
manufacturer:  Chevrolet, Detroit, Michigan
model:  Pumper
serial number:  30A0711611

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size:  224"L x 80.5"H 74"W

Body:  Boyer, Logansport, Indiana pump:  Champion-Darley, Chicago, IL
color:  Red and black production year:  1933
acquisition date:  6/1/1979

status:  Collection

description:  Open cab pumper with a Type F front mounted Champion Fire Pump by W. S. Darley & Co., Chicago, IL. rated at 500 g.p.m., pump number: 12055.  Accessories include:  Sterling hand crank siren, brass bell, ladders, hoses and nozzles.


information:  This was Greg Rhomberg's very first fire truck.  He acquired it when he was 14 years old.  It was not until 1983, Greg's Freshman year of college, that he restored this truck with his best friend Joe Wibbenmeyer.

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